We did not get to do much for Halloween because i had to work till midnight, but my boss was nice enough to let me off for 2 hours to take Addyson Trunk or Treating! She didn't know what to think at first but then she warmed up and started taking candy from people. It was fun. We also got to take her to Melaleuca for some Trick or Treating. She was really scared there. She would not let Jason put her down. She is getting so big. It is so sad. She is learning so much and so fast. She can sign baby, eat, milk and last night we think she did the sign for mommy but we are not sure. She is so freaking cute. She is already starting to test limits and see what she can get away with. She will try and grab Jason's phone charger. She starts to walk over to it and I say "dont touch" and she will stop and look at me through the corner of her eye and wait for me to turn my head and then she will inch along the bed till i say "dont touch " agian and the she will do it all over again. She is a nut!
Here are some pics from the last couple of weeks.
Oh also she loves music. Last week at church she was flipping through the Hymn book and singing really loud during relief society. It was really funny.