Addyson is getting so big so fast. She has so much personality it is crazy. She still signs and is learning more and more everyday. She doesnt really say much but i am ok with that for right now cause once she starts there is no stopping her. I can already tell she is very independent and stubborn. I wonder where she gets that? She is so funny though.I just love her!
As for the other baby it is growing fast. I started to feel the real kicking this week and it moving like crazy! I love this part of being pregnant! It is the best. We find out what it is on mon. I think it is a boy but will be crazy excited for either. We shall see.
We attempted to take family pics and they turned out ok but I have decided to go get them done somewhere, i just think they look ghetto and cheap just taken in the house. So i am on the hunt for a good photographer. We shall see what i find.
Other than that things here are great! Jason is done with school tomorrow and he has off for 4 months! He has applied at Melaleuca as well . Everything went great with his interview they are just trying to find a spot for him. That is a really good sign, it is so hard to get a job there. We are going home to Texas this year for Christmas and i am so excited! It will be nice to see family and friends. Here are some pics of the the last couple months.