Sunday, May 31, 2009

Moving again

Clearly we start a moving company! This move makes five major moves in the last year. But we are done for the next year and a half till our contract is up here. Then hopefully we can have some of jason's brothers and sisters out here and they can live with us and we can stay in out big house. But we will see. We finally got out of the pee townhouse. It is so nice not to smell dog pee everywhere you walk. We are almost all moving in just a few more boxes to go through. We love our new house. I will post more pics soon.

I start my new job at melalueca tomorrow! I am real excited! I am doing collections on their spanish accounts. I cant wait. I LOVE CALL CENTERS! I know i am weird. I also got a job as a spanish breastfeeding counselor with WIC. That is only like 10 hrs a week and i get to chose when i want to work or not work. I have my training for it next week. I will have to train for WIC from 8-3 then work at melalueca from 6-10. Jason's mom and sister are coming for the week to help with Addyson. We are so excited to see them! It should be a crazy but fun week.

Thats about it for now. I will post again soon.


  1. Crazy! I can't wait to see more pictures of the house! Good luck with all your job stuff!

  2. I Love your new house! I can't wait to come up and see it. We need a SAMS date.

  3. DeeDee where is your new house?! :) I'll have to come see you guys- with my new hubby when we get out there! Oh...and what day are you guys going back to Idaho, I heard you were going to be out here in August! :)
