Thursday, October 8, 2009

Baby # 2 on the way!

We just found out last week WE ARE PREGNANT! I went to the Dr. yesterday and turns out I am already 2 1/2 months along. It was weird to just find out i was prego and and then see a baby with arms and legs already. We have no idea what was happening cause i had not had a period since Feb. I guess my body was freaking out when i stopped breast feeding Addyson. Oh well things are apparently working just fine.
I have been more sick with this one. Not bad just a little. I have not thrown up but i feel like i need to every now and again. Nothing sounds good to eat but i am always starving. I am real tired. We are due May 8th and we are very excited to meet this one. I am so happy Addyson will have someone to play with. She plays great by herself but it will be nice for her to have a brother or sister.
I will be better about posting during this pregnancy. I didn't do very well with Addyson and there is so much I forgot.

Addyson is doing great. She has so much personality. It cracks me up. She is so freaking funny. She can be a terd but for the most part she is perfect. She is walking like crazy now and she says yes, mama,dada and stop. Jason taught her stop. She weighs 20 lbs already. She is no where near as tiny as she used to be. She wears 12-18 month clothes and about a size 3 shoe. Her hair has turned alot darker. There is still some red in it but not much. Thank goodness! She can climb the stairs from bottom to top in about 30 sec flat. She is quick she just cant figure out how to get down yet. She is into EVERYTHING!!! She loves to play with kids. She just laughs and laughs. She laughs at her cousin when he cries. It is kinda funny. We love her so much. She brings such joy into our lives.

Here is a pic of me and Jason just for fun.


  1. YAY! :) That's so exciting! I'm so excited for you! :) P.S. ultrasound picture is adorable! :)

  2. Wow!! Congrats! thats soo exciting!

  3. I am so excited for you guys. Why didn't you call me? Oh well. i hope everything is going good for you guys. Missin you.

  4. Cause Jason is a bad boy. He hasn't called anyone!

  5. i'm so excited for you guys, I always check your blog in hopes it would say just this! So Thanks for that, and good luck!

  6. Eric & I are very happy for your family! That would be totally weird finding out when you are already that far along. Can't wait to find out what you're having!

  7. Deeds!! I'm so excited for you! Congrats!!! You are so great! I love and miss you and hope you are doing well!!
