Thursday, October 1, 2009

For all the G-parents! and everyone one else too.

I know I am so bad at updating this thing. I should be so much better at it. I did not not do it for a while cause my camera broke at vacation and I just got another one for my birthday! Thank again MOM! So not that I have a camera again I will be better at updating.
So here are some pics of Addyson from the last little bit. My mom got her the halloween costume and I love it! She is so freaking cute! I also love her new snow pants, she looks so funny in them.

Oh and for those of you who don't know, I AM PREGO AGAIN! I will find out next week how far along I am. This one will either be Jaxon Carter or Mia Ann(maybe Mia Ann, I am not sold on it yet.) We will see.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, she is a mini Dee! I love her! she is so f-ing cute I can hardly handle myself. Miss you, and let me know when you will be in town. Oh, and I'm moving back to Utah for a touch. I'll fill you in later.
