Saturday, February 20, 2010

wow so i realize I am really bad at this whole blogging thing. I always forget to update. Things have been crazy around here the last month. We all have been sick at one point or another. Addyson got it, then Jason then me. It was not run. I am just starting to feel better. Still no energy but at least i can breathe out of one of my nostrils. That makes me happy. Things here are great! The snow is beautiful and it has not been too cold. Jason is off track and FINALLY got a job at Melaleuca. We waiting about 2 months for them to find him something. He started last week and seems to really like it.

Valentines day was great. Jason got me a really nice camera I have been wanting for a long time. Also when i got into work on Monday there was a big thing of flowers sitting on my desk with a box of chocolates. HE IS THE BEST! I got Jason a subscription to one of his favorite magazines called Dwell and somethings for his new XBOX 360. Here is the best part we paid nothing out of pocket for it. We had a wii and never really played it. So we put it up on craigslist just to see what would happen and it sold that same day! We were able to get the 360 and like 5 games plus the whole set of rockband and still have money left over! It was great! We LOVE it!

Addyson is getting so big, I just cant believe it. It makes me so sad that she is not my little baby anymore, but as i watch her grow my heart is filled with such joy. She is such a happy little girl and boy does she love her daddy. It makes my heart melt to see them together. We got some pics taken of her yesterday and we should get them back in about 2 weeks.

Baby #2 is doing great as well. I am 29 weeks and doing great. We cant wait to meet this one. Addyson is going to be such a great big sister. She loves to fed other kids and push them down just so she can help them back up and pat their backs. She is too funny. She is so much like me, it is nuts! I am screwed!!!! This is where I get my payback huh?

My sister is getting married next month!!! I am so proud of her! She is going to be a beautiful bride! I cant wait to see her!

Here are some pics of Addyson for the last month.

1 comment:

  1. wait one updated yeah! but you forgot to tell your followers what your having!
